Gifted Education

In Hanover County, we provide a program of quality instruction with high expectations for student achievement. We recognize the importance of the diversity, dignity, and self-worth of an individual and seek to provide an atmosphere in which we foster the intellectual, physical, emotional, and social growth of all students with a dedication to providing an education that challenges the exceptional abilities of our gifted students.

We believe that learning is a continuous experience. We have a responsibility to provide each student with the opportunity to realize his/her potential and to develop the skills to fulfill his/her goals in our interdependent society.

At Elmont Elementary School, education for the gifted is based on the following principles:

  • Gifted students need opportunities to interact with all students.
  • Gifted students need opportunities to interact with other gifted students.
  • Gifted students need opportunities to pursue their particular interests and to share the results of these pursuits.

For more information regarding our gifted services, please view our division site.


Lynn Ball

Lynn Ball, Gifted and Talented Teacher
(804) 365-8100

If you are interested in gifted screening for your child, please view our division screening information.

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